Massage school in Chile - page 1

Massage school in Chile by State



A recent study says that 41% of citizens Valparaíso think that 34% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 63% of citizens Maule think that 73% of the basic services are not covered completely.

Other cities in Chile

A recent study says that 87% of citizens Other cities in Chile think that 53% of the basic services are not covered completely.

Los Lagos

A recent study says that 89% of citizens Los Lagos think that 58% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 18% of citizens Biobío think that 41% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 35% of citizens Tarapacá think that 35% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 74% of citizens Coquimbo think that 36% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 92% of citizens Aisén think that 85% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 81% of citizens Atacama think that 13% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 50% of citizens Magallanes think that 53% of the basic services are not covered completely.

Arica y Parinacota

A recent study says that 44% of citizens Arica y Parinacota think that 61% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 23% of citizens Antofagasta think that 50% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 12% of citizens Santiago think that 34% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 0% of citizens Araucanía think that 32% of the basic services are not covered completely.


A recent study says that 45% of citizens O'Higgins think that 19% of the basic services are not covered completely.
❮ See top States in Chile