Massage school in Brazil - page 5

Massage school in Minas Gerais by County

Conceição do Rio Verde

Conceição do Rio Verde

Conceição do Rio Verde has a very healthy climate, as its 12401 citizens bear this out. Comparing Conceição do Rio Verde with other provinces, their communications within Brazil can be improved.
Conselheiro Pena

Conselheiro Pena

This county is one of the largest in Brazil. Conselheiro Pena has a population of 12734 citizens. Its location in Brazil is very good.
Coração de Jesus

Coração de Jesus

Coração de Jesus, like the rest of the region, has a mountainous interior. This mountainous interior features deep and steep valleys, formed by major rivers running through it.


Divinópolis is a county of Brazil. They belong to the Minas Gerais state. It has a population of 193832 citizens. In 2007, 34% of people in the county living in the metropolitan area of the capital.
Dores do Indaiá

Dores do Indaiá

Dores do Indaiá has a very healthy climate, as its 12859 citizens bear this out. Comparing Dores do Indaiá with other provinces, their communications within Brazil can be improved.


This county is one of the largest in Brazil. Congonhas has a population of 48819 citizens. Its location in Brazil is very good.
Divino das Laranjeiras

Divino das Laranjeiras

Divino das Laranjeiras, like the rest of the region, has a mountainous interior. This mountainous interior features deep and steep valleys, formed by major rivers running through it.


Contagem is a county of Brazil. They belong to the Minas Gerais state. It has a population of 627123 citizens. In 2007, 97% of people in the county living in the metropolitan area of the capital.
Coronel Fabriciano

Coronel Fabriciano

Coronel Fabriciano has a very healthy climate, as its 100916 citizens bear this out. Comparing Coronel Fabriciano with other provinces, their communications within Brazil can be improved.


This county is one of the largest in Brazil. Cruzília has a population of 12816 citizens. Its location in Brazil is very good.


Corinto, like the rest of the region, has a mountainous interior. This mountainous interior features deep and steep valleys, formed by major rivers running through it.
Espera Feliz

Espera Feliz

Espera Feliz is a county of Brazil. They belong to the Minas Gerais state. It has a population of 13030 citizens. In 2007, 58% of people in the county living in the metropolitan area of the capital.
Elói Mendes

Elói Mendes

Elói Mendes has a very healthy climate, as its 19413 citizens bear this out. Comparing Elói Mendes with other provinces, their communications within Brazil can be improved.


This county is one of the largest in Brazil. Curvelo has a population of 63954 citizens. Its location in Brazil is very good.


Espinosa, like the rest of the region, has a mountainous interior. This mountainous interior features deep and steep valleys, formed by major rivers running through it.


Coromandel is a county of Brazil. They belong to the Minas Gerais state. It has a population of 22647 citizens. In 2007, 91% of people in the county living in the metropolitan area of the capital.
Conselheiro Lafaiete

Conselheiro Lafaiete

Conselheiro Lafaiete has a very healthy climate, as its 111596 citizens bear this out. Comparing Conselheiro Lafaiete with other provinces, their communications within Brazil can be improved.


This county is one of the largest in Brazil. Esmeraldas has a population of 103206 citizens. Its location in Brazil is very good.
❮ See top Counties in Minas Gerais